Beautiful woman wearing a polka dot black and white shirt, with her hands crossed and her chin resting on them. In the background a pink square.



A 3-Day Trauma Informed, Online Workshop for High-Achieving, Emotionally Intelligent, Spiritual, Perfectionist, Menopausal & Post Menopausal Women over 50.

After 3 days together, you will go from frustrated & confused because you keep eating your feelings and it feels like food controls you…

To knowing THE 3 KEY tools to feel FREE & CONFIDENT because YOU NOW know how to control the food with compassion & ease.

YOU IN? Feb 27-Mar 1 @ 12-1:30 pm central. Only $19

A special BONUS available for the first 10 registrants.*

*SPECIAL BONUS for the first 10 people who register

45 min life-changing one-on-one healing session to get to the root cause of your struggle and get you on your way to freedom now.

Should you join us? The answer is YES if:

You’re a menopausal or post menopausal woman over 50 who’s at the top of your game in your life, career, community…
And when it comes to emotional eating…you still wonder…

“Why does the struggle with food, my body & feeling out of control with food feel so much harder after 50? It was easier to eat whatever I wanted before my menopause transition!”

“I solve so many problems in my day to day life, why can’t I solve this one and make it stick too?”

And with:

You worry that you’ll just keep emotionally eating, feeling out of control around food and then keep feeling confused, frustrated and or disappointed.

Until now.

Because after helping so many women over the last several years and as a post menopausal woman who has not only been through it but mastered it myself…

I know what works to help you FINALLY understand your struggle with emotional eating so you finally create peace, freedom, confidence & self-trust with food.

And even if you’re afraid to try something new, not only is this possible but more simple than you may think.

YOU IN? FEB 27-MAR 1 @ 12-1:30 pm CENTRAL Only $19

A special bonus is available for the first 10 registrants.*

Here’s what you’ll walk away with:

Day 1

Understand & Unravel

The underlying systemic reasons & nervous system dysregulations issues that have made it feel so hard to control menopausal and post menopausal sugar and carb cravings.

Day 2

Get to the Mental, Emotional & Physical Root Cause

Of why you stay on the emotional eating roller coaster year after year and remove deprivation & shame around food so you increase self-trust.

Day 3

Discover the Formula

To make your new tools second nature so you don’t have to think about it all the time and…so you can get on to doing the other amazing things in life you’d rather be doing!

YOU IN? FEB 27-MAR 1 @ 12-1:30pm CENTRAL. Only $19

A special bonus is available for the first 10 registrants.*


I discovered a way to disrupt the cycle of beating myself up, feeling like crap, and then eating my feelings! The group connection was a powerful tool to understand that I am not alone in these behaviors!” J.L. 62


“The thing I loved most – besides the amazing information, was the way that Candy holds space for us. Whatever is going on for us is seen and honored.” A.R. 41


“I absolutely recommend this group to friends and clients! Candy provides a safe space to discover our own triggers, and a healing path to release triggered behaviors like stress eating.” F.R. 61



“My favorite or the most insightful part for me was becoming acutely aware of so much resistance to being kind, loving or caring to myself. I would recommend this program for the women over 50 because there is definitely not enough focus on trauma for women age 50 and up. Also eating has been a lifelong battle for me, and working with both aspects of this 3 day challenge with your experience as well as your gentle, loving kindness felt like a safe place to land in order to do this work”. J.P. 58

Candy is a kind, brilliant coach. She holds space for her clients in such a loving and supportive way. I feel seen and held. She taught me more about calming my nervous system in five sessions than I have learned from a variety of other sources.” M. S. 57

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Candace Wright.